MiFiTT Institute Code of Conduct and other policies

  1. MiFiTT’s most sacred objective is for the learners to acquire tangible and usable skills that can change their lives for the better.
  2. At MiFiTT all teachers will provide students and administration with an updated Syllabus and Skill Card of the course they are teaching at the beginning of every course.
  3. Minimum Syllabus requirements are: course name and code – teacher name and contact – course summary – References to be used – Learning outcomes – Schedule – evaluation – Grade Scale etc.
  4. Every syllabus will have weekly Personal hands-on work and biweekly Group Projects at a minimum.
  5. English is the language of instruction at MiFiTT (MyFiT) institute. Other languages such as Arabic and French are also used.
  6. Students Are registered in the academic program and who do not pass a pre-intermediate level or 65/120 in TOEFL Exam are not admissible to MiFiTT unless a letter of commitment to get to this level before the end of the school year is signed by the student. Academic students who reach this level are re-admitted to the institute. * does not apply to non-academic learners.
  7. All teachers should have virtual or physical office hours announced in their syllabi.
  8. Teachers are encouraged to use Google EDU to teach their classes provided by the institute.
  9. Teachers i.e., instructors are to answer students’question within 24hrs
  10. Although the administration and teachers are there to help the students, the students are primarily responsible for their learning.
  11. Zero tolerance for racial, sexist, political and religious biases.
  12. Commitment to diversity and teamwork.
  13. MiFiTT has a strict anti bribery and internal and external anti-corruption policy that should be respected. If you are in doubt of wether or not your behavior could constitute a violation please let us know.
Created by MiFiTT Institute.  January 2015